utorak, 2. prosinca 2014.

El Puertito

On sunny Sunday, at the last day in November me and my roommate (Leo) decided to go diving in El Puertito.  Leo told me that we can meet green sea turtles while diving. I was really excited. But, I had to ask the man if there are some sharks near the coast (after Jaws, going into the water, never is going to be the same). But reportedly, you cannot find sharks that are dangerous for humans near the coast. Only angel sharks that are not dangerous. Ok, so there is a chance for me to come out of the ocean in one piece. Just joking. You would be surprised if I told you now that the most dangerous specie is not the white shark, it is the humankind that kills more than 100 million sharks annually. I will not even mention how many of this magnificent creatures are captured in small aquariums for the purpose of cheap entertainment.  So, ask yourself: who is the real predator?   

El Puertito is small and quiet place. There is a sweet little cove, covered with volcanic sand and rocks, with a restaurant nearby. The nearest hotel is 2km far from here  If you don’t have experience in diving, just enter in google-diving Tenerife El Puertito and you will get many offers from diving centers. Green turtles are listed as an endangered species, and a subpopulation in the Mediterranean is listed as critically endangered. Despite this, they are still killed for their meat and eggs. Their numbers are also reduced by boat propeller accidents, fishnet-caused drowning, and the destruction of their nesting grounds by human encroachment. They can weigh down to 300kg. Yes, there are not small creatures. We took our diving suits, fins, mask and dive into the sea. But, nooo, the water was very turbid and we couldn’t see anything. We decided to swim instead and after do some jumps in the water from the cliff. The next time, hope we will have more luck on turtles. We left this place in silence. 

Na suncanu nedjelju, zadnji dan studenog, ja i moj cimer Leo smo odlucili ici roniti u El Puertito. Leo mi je rekao da mozemo naici na zelene  morske kornjace dok ronimo. Odlicno! Bila sam bas uzbudena sto cu uzivo vidjeti ta prekrasna stvorenja u svom prirodnom okolisu. No, ipak sam morala pitati covjeka da li ima kakvih morskih pasa blizu obale (nakon Ralja, plivanje u moru vise nikad nece biti isto). No, navodno se obali ne priblizavaju psine opasne za ljude. Samo andeoski morski psi koji nisu opasni. Ok, znaci postoji sansa da izadem iz vode u jednom komadu. Salim se! Bili biste iznenadeni kad bih vam rekla da jedna od najopasnijih vrsta nije morski pas, vec ljudska vrsta koja godisnje ubije preko 100 milijuna morskih pasa. Ne moram niti spomenuti koliko je ovih prekrasnih bica zarobljeno u malim akvarijima samo kako bi posluzili jeftinoj zabavi ljudi.  Zapitajte se sada: tko je pravi predator?

El Puertito je malo i tiho mjesto. To je drazesna mala uvala prekrivena vulkanskim pijeskom I kamenjem, sa restoranom u blizini. Najblizi hotel je samo 2km udaljen odavde. Ako nemate iskustva u ronjenju, unesite u google – diving Tenerife El Puertito i izaci ce vam mnogo ponuda od ronilackih klubova. Zelene morske kornjace su ugrozena vrsta, pogotovo u Mediteranu gdje su obiljezeni kao kriticno ugrozeni. Unatoc ovoj cinjenici, ubijaju ih zbog mesa i jaja. Njihov broj se smanjio I zbog nesreca sa propelerima broda, zaplitanja u ribarske mreze te unistavanja njihovih gnijezdilista. Mogu teziti i do 300kg. Hm, nisu uopce male zivotinje. Navukli smo ronilacka odjela, masku i peraje I zaronili. Ali, neeee!!! Voda je bila jako mutna. Nista se nije vidjelo. Umjesto ronjenja smo odlucili plivati i skakati sa stijene. Iduci put se nadam da ce biti vise srece sa kornjacama. Napustili smo ovo mjesto u tisini. Vjetar i valovi su nas pozdravili do iduceg susreta.

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