ponedjeljak, 1. prosinca 2014.

Playa de Fañabe

Today, I decided to go to the beach at Playa Fañabe. 30 degrees in the air and sunny day looked perfect for swimming in the ocean. The smell and call of the ocean were powerful. The beach is surrounded with restaurants, shops and hotels such as Fañabe Costa Sur, Isabel familyPlaya Real resortapartments Sol sun beach, Lagos de Fañabe. I bought beach towel on the stand near by and spread it out on the sand. On my left side, some Russian couple was sunbathing and talking so loud that even pigeons on the beach moved 10m away from them. On my right side, one british guy was sunbathing with a smile on his face. Did he enjoyed being on the beach that much or did he imagine something else? Who would now.  In front of me, little girl was building the castle in the sand. Must admit that even I couldnt build such an interesting castle. Afterwards, I went for a swim, the ocean was refreshing. I got out after half an hour and lie down on my new Tenerife towel. If you lose your watch or the sunglasses at the beach, you just need to lift your hand and call for the guy that sells watches, sunglasses, t shirts, pineapples  and etc. I took banana and a sandwich with me and start eating. In the distance, I ve  seen a few pigeons searching for food. I did not want to eat alone, so I start to feed those beautiful pigeons. They are very cute, intelligent and sensitive birds. I once nursed a pigeon who was dying.  At the end of his strength, he came close to me and did not want to leave me, he found shelter in me before he died. He knew that he is going to die. I think that animals have better inner knowledge about this circle of life. When I fed the pigeons, they were cleaning their feathers all the time. You have to remember one important thing about feeding the pigeons. Do not give them bread. They eat seeds. Divide seeds from the bread.  The bread is very dangerous to them. The best choice would be the seed of sunflower but you can give them ground corn, wheat and millet also or buy `prepared food for birds (it is very cheap). After few minutes in great company, I moved on,  put the trash in the bag and started to search the trash can. After few meters, I found the trash can and  seen an interesting sign and pictures of dolphins in the sea near Tenerife. It said that it is important to put our (plastic) garbage into the trash can, otherwise it could end up in the sea and dolphins and other fishes could replace it with food, wrap themselves into that  and die. After few steps, I found trash can and realized that my responsibility it is not only the matter of cleanliness, it is the matter of respecting the nature and life of the creatures that are depending on us. The nature did not create waste, humans did. Did you know, if nature and animals would suddenly vanish from this world, humans would be alive only three more days, but if humans vanish from this world, the nature and animals would recovered. Just think about that on a moment.


Danas sam odlucila otici na plazu Fañabe. 30 stupnjeva u zraku i suncan dan, cinili su se savrsenim za kupanje u oceanu. Miris i zov oceana su bili mocni. Plaza je okruzena restoranima, trgovinama i hotelima kao sto su  Fañabe Costa SurIsabel familyPlaya Real resortapartments Sol sun beachLagos de FañabeKupila sam rucnik sa natpisom Tenerife na standu blizu plaze i rasirila ga na pjescanu plazu. S moje lijeve strane se suncao ruski par koji se toliko derao da su se cak i golubovi makli 10 metara dalje od njih. Moza su popili previse votke :-D , tko se znati. S moje desne strane, jedan britanac se suncao sa osmijehom na licu. Da li je toliko uzivao biti na plazi ili je zamislojao nesto drugo? Tko ce znati...Ispred mene je curica gradila dvorac u pijesku.Moram priznati, ni ja ga ne bih tako dobro izgradila. Nakon nekog vremena sam otisla u more,ocean je bio osvjezavajuci,sunce i oblaci su se izmjenjivali...naime, planine i ocean su jako blizu,a oko planina se uvijek zadrzavaju oblaci. Preporucam zastitnu kremu za suncanje jer je ovdje jace sunce negó u nasoj mediteranskoj klimi.Izasla sam nakon pola sata i legla na svoj novi kupljeni Tenerife rucnik.Ako slucajno izgubite sat ili suncane naocale na plazi,samo podignite ruku i zovnite osobu koja prodaje satove,suncane naocale,ananase svjeze,laganu odjecu....sto god pozelite skoro.... Uzela sam bananu i sendvic sa sobom i pocela jesti.U daljini sam vidjela nekoliko golubova u potrazi za hranom.Nisam htjela jesti sama,tako da sam ih pocela hraniti.Golubovi su veoma inteligentne i njezne ptice.Jednom sam njegovala goluba koji je umirao.Na izmaku snaga,dosao je do mene i sklonio se,nije htio otici.Znao je da ce umrijeti i u meni je nasao utociste.Mislim da zivotinje imaju bolje unutarnje znanje o ovom kruzenju zivota.Dok sam ih hranila,cijelo vrijeme su se cistili,zaista su ciste zivotinje.Nakon nekog vremena dobrog drustva,stavila sam smece od hrane u torbu i nastavila dalje u potragu za kantom za smece. Krenula sam dalje i uocila sam jedan natpis i sliku delfina koji se mogu naci u moru blizu Tenerifa.Pisalo je da je jako vazno odloziti smece,posebno plasticne vrecice ili ostalo plastiku u kantu,jer inace ako zavrsi u moru,delfini i ostala bica bi ih mogla zamijeniti sa hranom, zapetljati se u to i uginuti.Nekoliko koraka dalje,nasla sam kantu i shvatila koliko je odgovornost  vazna,koliko to nije samo odraz cistoce ve i postivanje drugog oblika zivota koja ovise o nama.Ljudi su stvorili otpad,ne priroda.Da li ste znali,ako bi ovog trenutka priroda i zivotinje nestale sa ovog svijeta,ljudi ne bi mogli ni 3 dana prezivjeti,no ako bi ljudi nestali sa ovoga svijeta,biljni i zivotinjski svijet bi se oporavio.Razmislite o tome na trenutak.

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