ponedjeljak, 22. prosinca 2014.

The magic of mountains

While I am on Tenerife, I am living in the apartment very, very near to the mountain in Adeje (Los Olivos) and 5 minutes drive with car to the beach. When I first arrived, I stayed in the apartment near Fañabe for two days and when I came to the current apartment, I immediately sensed the difference between living in the center of the city or near the mountains. Well, the energy is different.  City have very heavy energy, especially in places with lot of people or buildings piled to each other.  I never understood the meaning of living in the city “boxes” with no space or energy. Los Olivos is no better at all, but the only helpful thing is mountain behind it with refreshing air and energy.
View on Costa Adeje

There are plenty accommodations near the mountains, such is in Vilaflor, Adeje (Los Olivos),  There are plenty barrancos to hike upon (if you are a fan of this kind of activity), such as Barranco del Infierno (famous for waterfall, but it is closed now, although you can come there also if you go to other path and later turn in direction of barranco, but be aware, it is pretty dangerous), camino de Teresme etc. When you are hiking, all you need is comfortable (used, never new) boots, bottle of water, lightweight jacket, mobile phone (if you get lost or injured dial 112) and your strength. If you are younger then 40 and this is not the first time you are hiking, please, forget or donate the hiking sticks and “full equipment” to someone older. The path of Teresme was of vital importance to the inhabitants of the municipality since it facilitated the transit of people and allowed the exchange of goods between the coastal area and the zone of middle altitude. The path, at present, begins at the gate of the Casa Fuerte, near the Church of St. Ursula and the old Franciscan convent of Nuestra Señora de Guadelupe y San Pablo, declared as Value of Cultural Interest. This path is also connecting with other paths on the peak so you can choose which camino-way you want to go. 

I reached the peak after 1.20 hour (to get back from the peak took me 30 minutes only). I was tempting the luck because I started my hiking 2 hours before sunset. I had to get back running, which turn out as a good physical activity. If you are staying really near the mountains and you are sensible person, you will notice that your spiritual abilities intensified. One of the most popular ravine- barranco is Barranco de Badajoz near Guimar. You wonder why? It is popular because of alleged paranormal activities. There are of course legends that exist about this place. If you heard about Guanches, the native people which lived in Canary Islands, then you must heard about famous pyramids in Guimar, whell, this barranco is not very far away (it has never been proofed that Guanches built those pyramids) and the mummies have been also found very near barranco. Various paranormal activities were documented at this place, such us UFOs, mythological creatures of the guanches, ghosts, flares etc. There is a story about a little girl with the pears which lived in 19 century. The legend says that the girl went to pick pears but she disappeared and they never found her body, but that is not all. There are witnesses who claimed she reappeared after few years and she was the same age and in same clothes. After that, she has been seen again for couple of times. Other legend says, that she went to search pears and saw a white apparition in the cave which she entered. The apparition took her deeper into the cave where they ended in one big garden with many white creatures. After a while, the creatures took her out of the cave and let her go. Yes, many spooky stories. Do you dare to go there alone?

srijeda, 17. prosinca 2014.

Santa Cruz part two

On Monday I went to museum  de la Naturaleza y el  hombre (near the church of la conception) with my friend, but she decided to wait for me in caffe bar on the ground floor.


 She wanted to drink coffee in peace and eat some delicious cakes in cafeteria and chat with the boss of the caffe bar named Armando. I though it may be interesting to see some mummies and skulls instead Armando, so I went in sightseeing. The ticket is very economical.  The first room is full of projectors which are showing how Canary Islands were formed through centuries. Its also showing the occurrence of natural forces, plants, bugs and animals in the island.

 In other floors you can see volcanic rocks, sand and minerals (but very big, such as amethyst, rozen quartz and many others). Reportedly, the minerals have great healing power.

You can see artificial canarian bugs, birds, reptiles and other animals in natural sizes You can also find diversity of plants. And of course, everything is explained in detail on Spanish and English. The archeology part is very interesting. There are archaeological findings of Guanches-the natives from Canarias. Many skulls, mammies, tools, pots. There is a legend about Guanches that says they were descendants of Atlantis (lost continent where people were highly developed technological and spiritual). Not many proofs are left about them, that is why there are many assumptions, which are hard to proof. After my museum tour, I picked my friend at the caffe and we went back to Adeje (south) with the bus. If you are coming to this island for the first time and will stay for a while, maybe the excursion is the best solution for you or you can rent a car and travel randomly wherever you want to. The choice is upon you.

Guanche skulls

Guanche mummias
Guanches skulls and hands

srijeda, 10. prosinca 2014.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife part one

Christmas decoration in Santa Cruz
This weekend me and my friend went to Santa Cruz (from Playa Americas), the main capital of Tenerife. We took the bus (you can go with line 110-direct or 111-not direct, ticket price in one direction is app 9€ )  and within an hour we were in Santa Cruz.  I booked a hotel for 2 nights in the middle of the city. The hotel is near the main bus station (10min walk). This hotel have two stars, it is a good value for the price, nice and cozy, enough for me.  But you have more choices of the hotels in Santa Cruz. We came in the evening, done check in and decided to go for evening walk.  It is a small city, but the center of the city and shopping stores are always full of people, its is alive at the evening.  The city was decorated with Christmas lightning and looked fabulous. 

The plaza de España  (built in 1929) looks very romantic in the evening and you feel safe with two statues of handsome Gunaches near the fountain. I must warn you to be carefull what restaurants you choose. You have to ask the waitress when the food will be served (if you do not want to wait for eternity) and if you have expectations about certain meal, ask as many details about. After a walk, we sat down in a nice patisserie Palmelita across the hotel where the atmosphere was also great. After a coffee/tea break we returned in to the hotel to take a nap, which was not so easy because of two rooms on our left and right side where two couples had passionate encounter with the windows wide open. If you come close to the window, you don’t even have to watch tv, plenty of action and drama going on there. In a moment, you can feel like in The man who knew too much (Hitchcock movie) or Moulin Rouge. You could even get an inspiration to write a book. But if you close the window and curtains, the show is over. Like in the real life, you choose what you want to see. When we wake up next morning, we went to Mercado Municipal Nuestra Senora de Africa to buy mango, canarian bananas and pears.
Mercado Municipal
 The fruit is very, very tasty and juicy. Just imagine the taste of  smoothie made with tropical mix of coconut, mango and pineapple or coconut, papaya and strawberry. Many tasty possibilities with fresh fruits and vegetables and it is very sweet also (natural fruit sugar). I really, really do not see the meaning of canned juices. Sometimes, when I enter in to the supermarket, I cannot find anything natural for me to eat. But this market in Santa Cruz, had a potential to keep me there more than 10 minutes (and believe me, it is a record). The market is also selling fish and meat along with fruits and veggies. I am only concerned of the amount of fresh food that is not selled on the same day when arrived and then thrown away. That means we are producing more than we can sell and that is not responsible. That means that we are borrowing from the nature (and kill) more than we need.  We have to think of the new way of responsible management of food, we became very comfortable and selfish about it. The market have very nice and decorated interior. It is built in 1944. When you enter, you will see crowded hallways and sense the combination of smells. You cannot pass there and not buy something, so do not forget to take a bag with you. After while, we exit the market and continued to walk through the city where we encountered other market-many stands (no food although) in the street where you can find anything, from clothes to knifes from the 19th century. 
Market stands
There are many spooky stories about old things and energies that they had absorbed. Many people who bought some old stuff soon had unexplainable experiences. The old stuff are not the only thing that could possess energy, the old houses also could be filled with past energy. It is known that energy cannot be destroyed, only transfered or  transmuted. After two markets, we decided to go to swim. In the middle of December, on cloudy and windy weather this probably wasn’t good idea, but we went anyway. We took the bus line 910 and after 15 minutes we were in Las Teresitas. The beach is perfect for families. The sea is calm, on the beach are wardrobes and toilets, you have a lifeguard who look like a Mitch Buchannon from Baywatch, umbrellas and deck chairs to rent. The big mountain is right behind the beach, it really looks spectacular with those white sand. You just have to relax and enjoy in the sun and sea. But, in our case, we enjoyed the sand (with the sand in our hair and ears because of the wind). When you want to go home, the bus station is on the road near the beach and is going every 15 minutes to Santa Cruz. 
Playa Las Teresitas
When we came in Santa Cruz, we went to shops sightseeing and then in to the hotel to get some sleep. But, suddenly, after few hours of sleeping in my room, some noise wake me up in the 6am. It was the noise from the alarm clock, but not mine!! After 10 minutes, it still rang, so I had to get out of the bed and find out from where the sound came. I found out that is in the room near to mine. I knocked at the door hoping that someone is in the room and will switch the damn thing off. And some british guy said something and then turn down that awful noise with uneven tones. Only chickens are awake at 6am, so I went to take a nap till the breakfast which I was really looking forward. The terrace on the rooftop, the view on the city, the warm tea and refreshing orange juice, the warm bread that was melting in my mouth with strawberry marmalade on it, the peach….yes, small things like this can satisfy me. To be continued.....

The view from the roof top

utorak, 2. prosinca 2014.

El Puertito

On sunny Sunday, at the last day in November me and my roommate (Leo) decided to go diving in El Puertito.  Leo told me that we can meet green sea turtles while diving. I was really excited. But, I had to ask the man if there are some sharks near the coast (after Jaws, going into the water, never is going to be the same). But reportedly, you cannot find sharks that are dangerous for humans near the coast. Only angel sharks that are not dangerous. Ok, so there is a chance for me to come out of the ocean in one piece. Just joking. You would be surprised if I told you now that the most dangerous specie is not the white shark, it is the humankind that kills more than 100 million sharks annually. I will not even mention how many of this magnificent creatures are captured in small aquariums for the purpose of cheap entertainment.  So, ask yourself: who is the real predator?   

El Puertito is small and quiet place. There is a sweet little cove, covered with volcanic sand and rocks, with a restaurant nearby. The nearest hotel is 2km far from here  If you don’t have experience in diving, just enter in google-diving Tenerife El Puertito and you will get many offers from diving centers. Green turtles are listed as an endangered species, and a subpopulation in the Mediterranean is listed as critically endangered. Despite this, they are still killed for their meat and eggs. Their numbers are also reduced by boat propeller accidents, fishnet-caused drowning, and the destruction of their nesting grounds by human encroachment. They can weigh down to 300kg. Yes, there are not small creatures. We took our diving suits, fins, mask and dive into the sea. But, nooo, the water was very turbid and we couldn’t see anything. We decided to swim instead and after do some jumps in the water from the cliff. The next time, hope we will have more luck on turtles. We left this place in silence. 

Na suncanu nedjelju, zadnji dan studenog, ja i moj cimer Leo smo odlucili ici roniti u El Puertito. Leo mi je rekao da mozemo naici na zelene  morske kornjace dok ronimo. Odlicno! Bila sam bas uzbudena sto cu uzivo vidjeti ta prekrasna stvorenja u svom prirodnom okolisu. No, ipak sam morala pitati covjeka da li ima kakvih morskih pasa blizu obale (nakon Ralja, plivanje u moru vise nikad nece biti isto). No, navodno se obali ne priblizavaju psine opasne za ljude. Samo andeoski morski psi koji nisu opasni. Ok, znaci postoji sansa da izadem iz vode u jednom komadu. Salim se! Bili biste iznenadeni kad bih vam rekla da jedna od najopasnijih vrsta nije morski pas, vec ljudska vrsta koja godisnje ubije preko 100 milijuna morskih pasa. Ne moram niti spomenuti koliko je ovih prekrasnih bica zarobljeno u malim akvarijima samo kako bi posluzili jeftinoj zabavi ljudi.  Zapitajte se sada: tko je pravi predator?

El Puertito je malo i tiho mjesto. To je drazesna mala uvala prekrivena vulkanskim pijeskom I kamenjem, sa restoranom u blizini. Najblizi hotel je samo 2km udaljen odavde. Ako nemate iskustva u ronjenju, unesite u google – diving Tenerife El Puertito i izaci ce vam mnogo ponuda od ronilackih klubova. Zelene morske kornjace su ugrozena vrsta, pogotovo u Mediteranu gdje su obiljezeni kao kriticno ugrozeni. Unatoc ovoj cinjenici, ubijaju ih zbog mesa i jaja. Njihov broj se smanjio I zbog nesreca sa propelerima broda, zaplitanja u ribarske mreze te unistavanja njihovih gnijezdilista. Mogu teziti i do 300kg. Hm, nisu uopce male zivotinje. Navukli smo ronilacka odjela, masku i peraje I zaronili. Ali, neeee!!! Voda je bila jako mutna. Nista se nije vidjelo. Umjesto ronjenja smo odlucili plivati i skakati sa stijene. Iduci put se nadam da ce biti vise srece sa kornjacama. Napustili smo ovo mjesto u tisini. Vjetar i valovi su nas pozdravili do iduceg susreta.

ponedjeljak, 1. prosinca 2014.

Playa de Fañabe

Today, I decided to go to the beach at Playa Fañabe. 30 degrees in the air and sunny day looked perfect for swimming in the ocean. The smell and call of the ocean were powerful. The beach is surrounded with restaurants, shops and hotels such as Fañabe Costa Sur, Isabel familyPlaya Real resortapartments Sol sun beach, Lagos de Fañabe. I bought beach towel on the stand near by and spread it out on the sand. On my left side, some Russian couple was sunbathing and talking so loud that even pigeons on the beach moved 10m away from them. On my right side, one british guy was sunbathing with a smile on his face. Did he enjoyed being on the beach that much or did he imagine something else? Who would now.  In front of me, little girl was building the castle in the sand. Must admit that even I couldnt build such an interesting castle. Afterwards, I went for a swim, the ocean was refreshing. I got out after half an hour and lie down on my new Tenerife towel. If you lose your watch or the sunglasses at the beach, you just need to lift your hand and call for the guy that sells watches, sunglasses, t shirts, pineapples  and etc. I took banana and a sandwich with me and start eating. In the distance, I ve  seen a few pigeons searching for food. I did not want to eat alone, so I start to feed those beautiful pigeons. They are very cute, intelligent and sensitive birds. I once nursed a pigeon who was dying.  At the end of his strength, he came close to me and did not want to leave me, he found shelter in me before he died. He knew that he is going to die. I think that animals have better inner knowledge about this circle of life. When I fed the pigeons, they were cleaning their feathers all the time. You have to remember one important thing about feeding the pigeons. Do not give them bread. They eat seeds. Divide seeds from the bread.  The bread is very dangerous to them. The best choice would be the seed of sunflower but you can give them ground corn, wheat and millet also or buy `prepared food for birds (it is very cheap). After few minutes in great company, I moved on,  put the trash in the bag and started to search the trash can. After few meters, I found the trash can and  seen an interesting sign and pictures of dolphins in the sea near Tenerife. It said that it is important to put our (plastic) garbage into the trash can, otherwise it could end up in the sea and dolphins and other fishes could replace it with food, wrap themselves into that  and die. After few steps, I found trash can and realized that my responsibility it is not only the matter of cleanliness, it is the matter of respecting the nature and life of the creatures that are depending on us. The nature did not create waste, humans did. Did you know, if nature and animals would suddenly vanish from this world, humans would be alive only three more days, but if humans vanish from this world, the nature and animals would recovered. Just think about that on a moment.


Danas sam odlucila otici na plazu Fañabe. 30 stupnjeva u zraku i suncan dan, cinili su se savrsenim za kupanje u oceanu. Miris i zov oceana su bili mocni. Plaza je okruzena restoranima, trgovinama i hotelima kao sto su  Fañabe Costa SurIsabel familyPlaya Real resortapartments Sol sun beachLagos de FañabeKupila sam rucnik sa natpisom Tenerife na standu blizu plaze i rasirila ga na pjescanu plazu. S moje lijeve strane se suncao ruski par koji se toliko derao da su se cak i golubovi makli 10 metara dalje od njih. Moza su popili previse votke :-D , tko se znati. S moje desne strane, jedan britanac se suncao sa osmijehom na licu. Da li je toliko uzivao biti na plazi ili je zamislojao nesto drugo? Tko ce znati...Ispred mene je curica gradila dvorac u pijesku.Moram priznati, ni ja ga ne bih tako dobro izgradila. Nakon nekog vremena sam otisla u more,ocean je bio osvjezavajuci,sunce i oblaci su se izmjenjivali...naime, planine i ocean su jako blizu,a oko planina se uvijek zadrzavaju oblaci. Preporucam zastitnu kremu za suncanje jer je ovdje jace sunce negó u nasoj mediteranskoj klimi.Izasla sam nakon pola sata i legla na svoj novi kupljeni Tenerife rucnik.Ako slucajno izgubite sat ili suncane naocale na plazi,samo podignite ruku i zovnite osobu koja prodaje satove,suncane naocale,ananase svjeze,laganu odjecu....sto god pozelite skoro.... Uzela sam bananu i sendvic sa sobom i pocela jesti.U daljini sam vidjela nekoliko golubova u potrazi za hranom.Nisam htjela jesti sama,tako da sam ih pocela hraniti.Golubovi su veoma inteligentne i njezne ptice.Jednom sam njegovala goluba koji je umirao.Na izmaku snaga,dosao je do mene i sklonio se,nije htio otici.Znao je da ce umrijeti i u meni je nasao utociste.Mislim da zivotinje imaju bolje unutarnje znanje o ovom kruzenju zivota.Dok sam ih hranila,cijelo vrijeme su se cistili,zaista su ciste zivotinje.Nakon nekog vremena dobrog drustva,stavila sam smece od hrane u torbu i nastavila dalje u potragu za kantom za smece. Krenula sam dalje i uocila sam jedan natpis i sliku delfina koji se mogu naci u moru blizu Tenerifa.Pisalo je da je jako vazno odloziti smece,posebno plasticne vrecice ili ostalo plastiku u kantu,jer inace ako zavrsi u moru,delfini i ostala bica bi ih mogla zamijeniti sa hranom, zapetljati se u to i uginuti.Nekoliko koraka dalje,nasla sam kantu i shvatila koliko je odgovornost  vazna,koliko to nije samo odraz cistoce ve i postivanje drugog oblika zivota koja ovise o nama.Ljudi su stvorili otpad,ne priroda.Da li ste znali,ako bi ovog trenutka priroda i zivotinje nestale sa ovog svijeta,ljudi ne bi mogli ni 3 dana prezivjeti,no ako bi ljudi nestali sa ovoga svijeta,biljni i zivotinjski svijet bi se oporavio.Razmislite o tome na trenutak.

petak, 28. studenoga 2014.

Useful informations about spending your holidays on Tenerife

If you are planning to spend your holidays in Tenerife, here are some useful informations. There are also many cheap options. Before you come, check for easy jet offers on internet such us Rynair or you can go on skyscanner.com and compare prices with other airlines. There are two airports on Tenerife, north and south. When you come to the airport, you have lot of taxis in front, but if you want a cheaper option you can go with the local bus  (www.titsa.com or application on mobile phone titsa tenerife). They are painted in green color and in front of the airport exit. You also have a green pier in front of the bus stop and you can see timetable. Before you come in the hotel, check on the internet which area your hotel belongs to. For example: hotel Jacaranda is in Fañabe, (here on this link you can find the parts of islands: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife#mediaviewer/File:Municipios_y_zonas_de_Tenerife.svg) other may be in Las Americas, Los Christianos or others. Dont forget to compare this to the lines of where bus titsa goes. In Canarias the bus is named GUAGUA (pronunciation is uaua). If you are not sure, just ask the driver for information. You can put luggage in the lower compartment of the bus. There is also option of the rent-a-car or rent-a-limusine. If you want to enjoy sunbathing on some famous beaches such as Las Americas or Los Cristianos, then the South Tenerife is right choice for you. You can choose to stay in hotels, apartments or hostels. The price ranges from 15 € per night for person. If you are adventurer and want to stay in Tenerife with minimum of costs, you can go to the option workaway, which means that you can find host people or families  which are offering free accommodation (bathroom, a bed or a room and a free meal) and  in return you will have to  work few hours for them.  If you are staying longer than one month, you can even try to find private accommodation. Just enter in google piso (apartment) alquiler or habitacion (room) alquiler or piso compartido (shared apartment) in Tenerife. In Spain is a custom to give a deposit to landlord in the amount of monthly rent. When you check out from apartment, you will get your deposit back, but who can guarantee you that? Here is what you have to do if you want your deposit back for sure. The most important is to picture apartment and furniture (especially if something is already been broken before) and do inventory which owner have to sign it. You can also give him contract to sign and take his ID number.  Ok, when you have situated yourself, you would need a transport to move around. The cheapest option is city transportation-buses. You can buy the ticket in the bus for one ride (more expensive) or in the store (bono ticket for multiple rides). You can find bus lines and prices on www.titsa.com  and easily move through the island. There is also a choice of rent a car where you can decide where you will go and what you will see. There are many excursions which you can attend also. Or if you are interested in activities such as surfing, scuba or bob diving, adventure in Forestal Park, paragliding and etc. Nightlife, shows , musicals and etc. So many possibilities to experience in Tenerife. My advise is to book excursion because in one day you can see half of the island and learn many things. The negative part of Tenerife is that is that they have many park with animals in captivity such is Loro park, Aqualand, Animal park, Monkey park, Camella park and even Siam park has sharks in captivity. I will never recommend you to go on this kind of excursions, instead you can go on boat excursions to see whales and dolphins in natural habitat. Teach others and your children to respect other beings and their freedom and do not buy tickets. If I told tou that dolphins and whales (orcas) are captured in small pool tanks and only direction they are swiming is in the circle, Did you know that in the ocean, they can swim up to 100 miles or 160 km. So, please, do not support slavery made only for profit. There are many commercial centers around Costa Adeje, but one of the biggest is situated near Mareverde apartments. It is a Gran Sur. You have variety of choice of food in this store and the prices are economical. If you want to buy yourself more then food, there are many shopping centers around and the prices are also economical.  So, if you want to have a good time on your holidays, there are plenty possibilities around you, you just need to relax and take it easy.
Many hiking routes in the mountains

Surf paradise
View on Las Americas


Ako planirate provesti svoje praznike na Tenerifima, evo nekoliko korisnih informacija koje ce vam dobro doci. Prije nego dodete, provjerite ponude jeftinih aviokompanija. Mozete pogledati na rynair.com ili usporediti cijene na skyscanner.com. U svakom slucaju, ako krecete iz Hrvatske, preko sezone ima letova iz Pule, Zadra, Rijeke i Osijeka sa presjedanjem u skoro svakom vecem gradu u Europi. Tenerife su odlicno povezane. No, ako krecete u zimskom razdoblju, morati cete krenuti iz Venecie-Trevisa i onda presjedati preko npr. Londona, Pariza, Municha itd. Na Tenerifima su dvije zracne luke, juzna i sjeverna. Kad stignete, imate opciju rent-a-cara, taxija ili lokalnog autobusa (www.titsa.com or application on mobile phone titsa tenerife). Ako se odlucite za lokalni bus, evo nekoliko savjeta. Cim izadete iz zracne luke, ispred vratiju je stajaliste za buseve. Titsa ima zeleni stup-tablu ispred gdje se mogu pogledati satnice buseva. Pogledajte na internetu  u koj predio spada vas hotel i onda usporedite sa titsom. Najlakse je to uciniti na aplikaciji jer imate opciju izabrati na mapi od tocke A do tocke B i onda vam se u aplikaciji prikaze koj broj autobusa morate uzeti. Ako ste ostaromodni, onda jednostavno pogledajte dio gdje pripada vas hotel (npr ako ste u hotelu Jacaranda, to je Fañabe) i usporedite sa imenima stanica na stajalistu ili webu. Evo i link na sliku koja bi mogla pomoci (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife#mediaviewer/File:Municipios_y_zonas_de_Tenerife.svg). Ili najlakse, pitajte vozaca kad autobus dode. Ako se zelite kupati na najpoznatijim plazama poput Las Americas i Los Cristianos, onda je juzni dio Tenerifa stvoren za vas. Mozete izabrati smjestaj u hotelu,hostelu ili apartmanu.  Cijene se krecu vec od 15€ po nocenju po osobi. Ako ste avanturist i zelite proci sto jeftinije, mozete ici na opciju workaway. To znaci da cete naci domacina koji ce vas primiti, dati vam hranu i smjestaj,a za uzvrat morate raditi par sati dnevno ili tjedno. Ako zelite ostati duze od mjesec dana, mozete si naci I privatan smjestaj.  Upisite u google, piso alquiler (stan), alquiler  habitacion (najam sobe) alquiler piso compartido (stan koji dijelite s drugom osobom) in Tenerife. U Spanjolskoj je obicaj dati depozit u iznosu mjesecne clanarine, koja vam se vraca na kraju mjeseca. No tko ce  vam garantirati povrat tog novca? Evo sto trebate napraviti ako zelite povrat  novca. Najbitnije je slikati namjestaj, pogotovo ostecene dijelove  i napraviti popis inventara koji vam mora gazda potpisati. Mozete i ugovor potpisati i uzeti njegov ID od osobne iskaznice. Ok, sad kad ste se smjestili, trebati cete prijevoz da biste mogli putovati po otoku.  Najjeftinija opcija bi bio gradski prijevoz autobusom. Mozete kupiti kartu za jednu voznju direktno kod sofera u busu ili u specijalnim trgovinama kupite bono kartu za vise voznji. Linije i cijene mozete naci na www.titsa.com . To vam omogucava jednostavno I brzo putovanje po otoku. Kao drugu opciju mozete izabrati iznajmiti auto I sami odluciti gdje cete stati i sto zelite vidjeti. Niste ograniceni vremenom. Imate mnogo ponuda izleta na otoku. Doslovce se nude na svakom koraku. Ili ako zelite vise adrenalina, imate surfanje, paragliding, scuba ili bob ronjenje, adrenalinski park Forestal Park koji ujedno nudi I team bulding namijenjen grupama, itd. Onda imate razne spektakle poput mjuzikla, rock spektakla, karaoka,  koji se odrzavaju navecer uglavnom, toliko je mogucnosti za dozivjeti Tenerife. Moja preporuka su svakako razne ekskurzije kojima ovaj otok obiluje. U jednom danu mozete proci pola otoka i saznati puno interesantnih informacija. Nikako ne bih preporucila ekskurzije koje se ovdje masovno nude, a jedini im je cilj drzati zivotinje u zatocenistvu namijenjene za zaradu i privlacenje turista. To su zabavni parkovi poput Loro parka, Aqualanda, animal parka, Monkey parka, Camella parka pa cak i Siam parka koji drzi morske pse u zatocenistvu. Ako zaista zelite vidjeti kitove i delfine, svakako vam mogu preporuciti ekskurzije brodom gdje uzivo u prirdonom stanistu mozete vidjeti kitove i delfine. U onim bazenima, zatoceni, mogu samo u krug plivati (vidjela sam). U oceanu, na dan predu preko 160 km. Znaci, ucite djecu da postuju sva ziva bica i njihovo pravo na slobodu i naravno ne kupujte ulaznice. Ima takoder mnogo soping centra na svakom uglu, no uglavnom nisu gigantski, vec podosta mali. Jedan od najvecih na jugu je Gran Sur, smjesten odmah iznad Mareverde apartmana. Ima mnogo izbora namirnica, a i cijene su ekonomicne. Znaci, ako se zelite dobro provesti na praznicima, puno je mogucnosti oko vas, smao se opustite i uzivajte. 

petak, 21. studenoga 2014.

Market Costa Adeje

Pet collars and signs designed especially for your pet

Handmade bags


Native american stand, lot of dream catchers

Everything that you need - marijuana stand
WORKING HOUR OF MARKET: 9-14 on Thursday and Saturday

So, you like to haggle?  Shop at cheap prices? See something different, new, innovative and practical? Get completely new husband or replace existing one? If your answer is yes, then this market is made for you. I was walking down the Street near the shopping centre El duque  and across the street I seen  charming market with many stands.  I decided to take a brief visit.

What could I lose?

First I seen cute little rounded stand that was selling fresh smoothies. Before you move on with the text,   you have to ask yourself when is the last time you ate or drink fresh, refreshing fruits  filled with vitamins and water? Here you can get some delicious  exotic fruit smoothie-s. Yam. I took some fresh strawberry-pineapple smoothie without milk. It was very refreshing.  So, with smoothie and camera, I was ready to take the tour.  The mix of Spanish and Indian music was in the air. At the market  you  have variety of choice. At the first stand, Native Americans  were selling their cd-s, flutes, tapestries, beautiful t-shirts and dream catchers. Do you know what dream catcher is? Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams, both good and bad. The dream catcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dream catcher, but the bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dream catcher and perish with the first light of the new day. After brief encountering with Indian tradition, I moved on. The next stand was selling souvenirs. If you want to buy a souvenir from Tenerife and have reminder of the time you spent here, this is the great time and place for that. There is a trick that you must know if you are going to bargain: If you have interest in something and you want to buy it, don’t show the interest to the seller. If he sees that you are interested, you will never get cheap price.  Some of the stands accept credit cards also, as this one with perfumes from Canarias.  If you have a pet with you or you left him back home, there is a stand which is offering the service of printing your pets name on the collar. Great gift for your loyal friend. If you want to be a good "samatarian", there is a cat charity association from Tenerife that is collecting donations (anything with value) in another stand. If you love animals,this is a good way to help stray animals which are depending on us. Be among ones which are creating the better world. Great thing here on market is that everybody is speaking English. You can also bought a handbag, wallet or buy completely new wardrobe. If you want to buy a lot of wardrobe or you have lot of clothes in your closet, there is a seller that is selling multi hangers for enlargement of your wardrobe space. Here, you can get it cheaper then on tv sell. If your passion is marijuana, then there is a stand made for you.   Seeds, hookah-nargilas, full equipment for weed, t-shirts, accessories and etc. Here on the market were a lot of handmade objects such as candles, piggy banks and etc.  that you can buy and redecorate your interior. Did you ever heard of feng shui? The old Chinese art that harmonises energy (chi) flow, architecture, mathematics and space in one. A tip for love: if you want to have fulfilled relationship or find a true love or get rid of the husband or boyfriend who is cheating on you, buy two candles, put them in south west corner or SW room which is your corner of love. These two candles symbolizes a couple. You can also put a picture of two birds together or a  couple together. It is important that you always put objects that are simbolizing a couple,  in couple. If you have favorite romance novel, put it in this corner, life could write similar romantic story made just for you. Red color is also very suitable for this corner.  Your space should always be clean, airy and sunny. Ok, lets go back on this charming market. So, if you are a girl, you could easily get proposed by some Spanish guy who is selling wallets. I asked him how much the m2 costs. He told me that the price is 28 €/m2.  So, if you have your own little business, you can even  try to sell something. After my smoothie and proposal, I decided that it is a time to leave for another adventure.



Great view on the mountains
great view at the mountains

Smotthie made of exotic fruits
Smoothie bar
Natural aloe vera products

Souvenirs of Tenerife

Sajam Costa Adeje

Volite se cjenkati? Kupovati po niskim cijenama? Vidjeti nesto drukcije, novo, inovativno i prakticno? Dobiti potpuno novog muza ili zamijeniti postojeceg? Ako je vas odgovor da, onda je ovaj sajam stvoren za vas.  Hodala sam ulicom blizu soping centra El Duque i preko puta ulice sam vidjela mali sarmantan sajam sa mnogo standova. Odlucila sam da cu ga nakratko posjetiti. Sto sam mogla izgubiti?
Prvo sam vidjela mali okrugli stand koji je prodavao svjeze smoothije. Prije nego nastavite  s tekstom, zapitajte se kad ste zadnji put jeli ili pili, svjeze voce puno vitamina i vode? Ovdje mozete kupiti odlicne smoothije spravljene od egzoticnog voca. Uzela sam jedan ananas-jagoda smotthie bez mlijeka.Da,mozete birati i hocete li sa mlijekom ili bez.Jako je osvjezavajuce moram priznati. Sa smoothijem u jednoj ruci i kamerom u drugoj, krenula sam u obilazak. Miks spanjolske i indijanske muzike je bio u zraku. Na toj maloj trznici ima puno izbora. Na prvom standu, Indijanci su prodavali cd-e, frulice,tapiserije,prekrasne majice sa motivima vukova i hvatace snova. Da li znate sto je hvatac snova? Indijanci vjeruju da je nocni zrak ispunjen losim i dobrim snovima.Dok se lagano ljulja objesen pored vaseg kreveta, hvata  snove koji prolaze pored njega. Dobri snovi znaju kako proci kroz hvataceve niti, no losi snovi  se zapletu u niti jer ne znaju kako naci izlaz iz njih i nestanu sa prvom zrakom sunca. Nakon kratkog uvida u indijanski stand, nastavila sam dalje. Iduci stand je prodavao suvenire. Ako zelite kupiti suvenir sa Tenerifa koji ce vas podsjecati na vrijeme provedeno ovdje, ovo je pravo mjesto za to.  Ako se zelite dobro cjenkati, morate znati jedan trik: ako vas zanima neka stvar koju zelite kupiti, nemojte prodavacu pokazati zanimanje za to, pravite se kao da vas uopce ne zanima jer ako on vidi da vas jako zanima, nikad tu stvar necete dobiti po niskoj cijeni. Ako vam ne zeli prodati za vasu cijenu, jednostavno se okrenite i odite. Velika je vjerojatnost da ce vam pokusati prodati po vasoj cijeni ipak. Neki standovi primaju kreditne kartice kao npr ovaj stand gdje prodaju parfeme sa Kanarskih otocja-kanarske parfeme. Ako ste dosli sa ljubimcem ili ga pustili u svojoj zemlji, tamo je i stand koji nudi printanje imena vaseg ljubimca na ogrlicu ili znak na ogrlici. Odlican poklon za vjernog prijatelja. ako zelite uciniti dobro djelo, na iducem standu mozete donirati svoje stvari ili novac udruzi za zastitu zivotinja sa Tenerifama. Oni skupljaju svoje priloge i time pomazu svim lutalicama.Donirajte i budite i vi jedni od onih koji stvaraju bolji svijet. Odlicna stvar na markatu je to sto svi pricaju engleski. Mozete kupiti torbe, novcanike, razlicitu odjecu. Ako vam treba dodatno mjesto u ormaru, jedan prodavac prodaje multivjesalice za ormar koji stvara vise prostora u ormaru. Ovdje  to mozete dobiti jeftinije nego preko tv prodaje. Ako je vasa strast marihuana, onda je ovdje pravi stand kao stvoren za vas. Sjemenke trave tj. Marihuane,nargile, pribor za pusenje, majice sa slikom trave, dodatne sitnice i sl. Na nekim standovima su se I prodavale rucno izradene kasice u obliku sove, rucno izradene torbe, svijece  i ostale stvari koje mozete kupiti kako biste uredili svoj interijer. Da li ste ikada culi za feng shui?  To je stara kineska vjestina koja uskladuje tijek energije (chi), arhitekture, matematike u jedan sklad.  Savjet za ljubav: ako zelite ispunjenu vezu ili pronaci pravu ljubav ili se rijesiti muza ili zene koji vas mozda vara, kupite dvije svijece, stavite ih u jugozapadni kut kuce ili sobe tj. Onaj  koji je kut ljubavi. Te dvije svijece simboliziraju par. Moze se staviti i slika dvoje ljubavnika ili dvije pticice. Bitno je da objekti  koji simbolziraju par uvijek budu u paru. Ako imate omiljeni ljubavni roman, stavite i njega u taj kut. Zivot bi vam mogao ispisati jednaku ljubavnu pricu. Crvena boja je prikladna za ovaj kut. Vas prostor bi uvijek trebao biti cist, prozracan i dobro osvjetljen. Ok, vratimo se na sajam. A ako ste slucajno zena, lako bi vas neki stravstveni spanjolac koji prodaje novcanike mogao zaprositi. Pitala sam ga koliko je placa m2 prostora. Rekao je da to dode 28€ ili 214,00 kn. Ako imate neki mali obrt ili prodajete nesto svoje, mozete cak doci ovdje, otkupiti mjesto i vidjeti hoce li vam se posreciti. Nakon mog smoothija i prosidbe, odlucila sam da je vrijeme za odlazak u drugu avanturu.

RADNO VRIJEME SAJMA: 9-14 on Thursday and Saturday